
Shaping Imaginations: Topping Out ceremony for the Kalev Yacht Club’s new port building

This time, Friday the 13th turned out to be a festive and nice day in every way: the new port building at Pirita has already reached its full height! According to tradition, the building was decorated with a wreath, which in turn was brought down by Kalevi Yacht Club vice commodore and board member Tanel Tamm and board member Raido Notton.

The new building, which will be completed in the spring, will include changing rooms, saunas and a gym, as well as the harbor master’s and sports school’s rooms and a boathouse. The new premises will be used by the Association of Estonian Yacht Clubs and the sailing workshop. Already next season, club members and sea enthusiasts will be able to enjoy and use the new harbor building!

Thank you for organizing the topping out ceremony, Kalev Yacht Club. We will continue construction work until spring, so that the new season can start already in the new building!