
The cornerstone of the new harbor building for Kalev Yacht Club was laid

On the afternoon of August 23, the cornerstone of the new harbor building for Kalev Yacht Club was laid officially in Pirita! In the future, the building will be a cozy home for diverse activities – the Kalev Yacht Club Sailing School, the office of the Union of Estonian Yacht Clubs, the North Sails sail workshop and, of course, the members of the Kalev Yacht Club. The building to be completed will house a gym, rest rooms, saunas, the port master’s office, a large boathouse and storage areas.

The winning work of the architectural competition announced in 2020 was “Complex”, which was created by Ülar Mark from OÜ Urban Mark architectural office. Both Kalev Yacht Club Commodore Tõnu Tõniste and Pirita District Mayor Kaido Saarniit are very happy to see that the yacht club’s long-term dream is becoming a reality, while at the same time raising the importance of the yacht club’s role in the Pirita region, so that friendship with the sea and sailing can attract even more. Margo Dengo, the CEO of Maru Ehitus, also confirmed that Maru Ehitus will do its best to have the new port building completed as soon as possible – already by next summer!

By the way – Kalev Yacht Club harbor building is already the second harbor building project for Maru Ehitus – Haven Kakumäe yacht club and boathouse were completed a few years ago. We are proud to help fulfill the dreams of sea lovers and give new life to ports!

Photos: Kalev Yacht Club / Tiit Aunaste