
Development of e-construction Projects for Maru Ehitus

The purpose of the the investment programme Development of e-construction (RRF) is to stimulate entrepreneurs in the construction sector to create or implement innovative digital tools that increase the productivity of the sector and are related to the e-construction platform. In order to achieve the goal, projects for the development, prototyping or implementation of innovative digital solutions based on the e-construction platform and separate in the field of construction are supported.

At the end of 2022, Maru Ehitus applied for support from the Development of e-construction measure for five development and innovation projects, of which a positive decision and funding was assigned to three:

Implementation of estimation software

In the form of introduction of pre-calculation software, it was an applied innovation project, within the framework of which software adapted to the budgeting process was implemented in the company. Trainings were conducted, company-specific templates and automated workflows were created.

The introduction of pre-calculation software helps to increase the accuracy of the information created in the process of sales and construction preparation, to save time and, thanks to more efficient processes, to increase the company’s productivity and profitability.

The project lasted from 01.01.2023 – 30.09.2023 and the amount of the grant was 4917 euros.

Management desktop application development

As part of the development of the management desktop application, dynamic reports were created in the BI environment, reflecting the most important indicators of the company’s business activity. Both sales activity and project information can now be analyzed in the BI environment, and this gives the company’s management a flexible tool with which to analyze business activity: monitor key indicators of business activity, find trends and discover causal relationships between various events. Dynamic reports and desktop views help to save the time that was previously spent on collecting data every time and creating graphs and overviews.

Thanks to the development, the reliability and quality of data has improved, and the fact that the mechanism of their generation is always the same encourages the use of data. The management desktop application enables the company to make decision-making processes data-based and thereby improve the company’s economic indicators.

The project lasted from 24.10.2022 to 30.09.2023 and the amount of support was 6722 euros.

Construction project manager desktop application development

As part of the development of the project manager’s desktop application, an additional view for project and construction managers was developed in cooperation with a partner providing the construction management platform service. The desktop allows you to bring together the most important information that needs attention at a specific time and improve the quality of project implementation and its economic results through more effective management of cash flows and time resources. All key indicators are concentrated in one view, and circumstances that require attention and management are clearly visualized.

As a result of the implementation of the development, the work of the project managers becomes more efficient and decision-making is better supported. This, in turn, allows the company to be more efficient and competitive.

The project lasted from 01.02.2023 – 31.12.2023 and the amount of support was 7358 euros.

All projects are financed from the resources of the European Union’s NextGenerationEU recovery fund.