Steel Structures of the VKG’s Ojamaa Mine Conveyor


Islandile rajatud kahe jalgpallihalli, asukohaga Akranes’is ja Reydarfirdis, terasest kande- ja kattekonstruktsioonid sildeavaga 80 m on vastutusrikas ülesanne iseeneset .

Islandile projekteerides tuli lisaks arvestada kohalike väga suurte tuulekoormustega, mis seadsid hoone konstruktsioonidele tavalisest erinevaid koormusolukordi.




4 hangars were produced all together.


In spring 2016 Maru Metall AS and Maru THM OÜ signed an agreement to produce and install steel structures for a pipe bridge in Finland. The agreement covers about 95 T of manufacturing and installing steel constructions. In addition installation of wall elements, roof and windows.