Concrete Works for Office Building Lohja Yrittäjätalo
Office and Administrative Buildings
Foundations and Outdoor Stairs for Viinistu Art Museum Extension
Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings
Sedimentary Basin for Compound Storage in EE Kaevandused Energy Complex
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Concrete Works of Enefit-280 Fuel Handling System
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Enefit-280 Slurry Building
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Tampere Sarankulma Pellet-Fired Heating Plant
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Narva 300 MW CFB elektrijaama korstna vundament
Other Buildings and Facilities
Foundations for Pajarinki Production Facility
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Venstøpbakken Pedestrian Bridge
Bridges and Masts
Savonlinna Pedastrian Bridge
Bridges and Masts
Ngodwana Platform
Mechanical Structures
Kyröskoski CHP
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings