Crushing and Sorting Complex in VKG Ojamaa Mine
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
CHP plant in Launkalne
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
CHP plant in Helme, Estonia
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Roadway and Bridge to Energy Complex
Other Buildings and Facilities
Renovation of Apartment Building (Winner of Swedbank’s “Healthy and Economical Home” Competition)
Residential Buildings
Renovation of Apartment Building at Tammsaare tee 71
Residential Buildings
Viinistu Art Museum
Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings
Crushing and Sorting Complex in VKG Ojamaa Mine
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Enefit-280 Fuel Handling System Civil Works
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Enrichment Plant in VKG Ojamaa Mine
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
VKG Fuel Handling System
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
Enefit-280 õlitehase tuhapumpla hoone
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings