
Maru Ehitus is building an indoor football hall in Paide

The first procurement conducted to find the general contractor of the design and construction works of the stationary football hall had to be rejected because the bids were too expensive. Then the volume of work was reduced and 5 companies submitted bids for the new tender, of which AS Maru Ehitus was recognized as successful.

On February 19, a construction contract was signed at the location of the future football hall, in Paide.

According to the Mayor of Paide, Kaido Ivaski, this is a very important investment that will benefit both the city of Paide and the entire Järva County. “The indoor hall is extremely necessary in order to ensure more equal training conditions for nearly 500 young football players in our county compared to players from other counties. The hall can be used by schools for conducting physical education classes, and it is also possible to organize various competitions and events there, if necessary, you can even hold rehearsals for the Dance Celebration, if the weather is not favorable for practicing outdoors. In addition, the training conditions of other sports clubs will improve, as they can use the free times in the sports hall”, explained Ivask.

Margo Dengo, chairman of the board of AS Maru Ehitus: “Sustainability is important to us at Maru Ehitus, including the sustainability of people, which can be extended to society as a whole: sustainable Estonia is ensured by a healthy functioning population. We always honor sports in our company, both by doing it ourselves, by supporting it and by happily building sports buildings. That’s why we are happy to be a partner in the design and construction of this indoor football hall in the heart of Estonia”.

Construction should start at the end of May, and the football hall should be completed by the end of this year.

Photos: Paide City Government