Ship Loading Structures at the Port of Pori


In the beginning of the year 2014 AS Maru Metall and Maru Rakennus OY signed a contract to produce steel structures for a heating plant. The contract includes the production of about 80 t of steel structures, including ladders, handrails, grilles, steps, etc..
The building will be finished in 2014.


AS Maru Metall produced steel constructions for CHP in Oskarshamn, Sweden. Total 290 T of steel.


The project total capacity is about 650 tons of steel structures and additionally handrails, gratings etc. Karlstad CHP was completed in 2014.


AS Maru Metallsigned a contract in the summer of 2015 to produce a steel frame for biomass fired steam boiler plant in Lahti.The contract witholds ca 180 tons of steel, in addition railings, gratings, steps, etc. The building is finished in 2015.