Enefit-280 õlitehase tuhapumpla hoone


Eesti Energia Õlitööstus AS ja Maru Ehitus AS sõlmisid 24. novembril 2011  lepingu Enefit-280 õlitehase hoonetekompleksi kuuluva tuhapumpla ehitustööde teostamiseks. Tööde mahtu kuuluvad üldehitustööd koos eriosadega.

Varem sõlmitud lepingute alusel on koostöös sõsarettevõtte AS-ga Maru Metall toodetud ja paigaldatud hoone struktuurteras ning teostatud õlitehase põlevkivi etteandmissüsteemi (FHS) projekteerimis- ja üldehitustööd. Hetkel jätkuvad õlitehase kattepaneelide ja katuse paigaldustööd.


Ragn-Sells RDF Plant is unique in a way that it is capable of recycling 85% of handled waste. The technology of this refuse derived fuel plant sets all new standards in the entire Scandinavia. As a result, the high quality waste fuel supply could be used by different boiler plants in Estonia and abroad.

Design and construction of the Ragn-Sells refuse derived fuel plant was a complicated task that required the utmost reponsibility, effort and learning ability of the entire Maru team. Complex technology forced strict requirements to general construction and cooperation between different international parties. BIM modeling, that is still very uncommon in Estonia, was applied in design process. Construction procedure involved various lean construction techniques.